Add_subscriber and remove_subscriber are administrative operations on a queue. Though AQ does not prevent applications from issuing administrative and operational calls concurrently, they are executed serially. Both add_subscriber and remove_subscriber will block until pending transactions that have enqueued or dequeued messages commit and release the resources they hold. It is expected that adding and removing subscribers will not be a frequent event. It will mostly be part of the setup for the application. The behavior you observe will be acceptable in most cases. The solution is to try to isolate the calls to add_subscriber and remove_subscriber at the setup or cleanup phase when there are no other operations happening on the queue. That will make sure that they will not stay blocked waiting for operational calls to release resources.
Why do the TopicSession.createDurableSubscriber and TopicSession.unubscribe calls raise JMSException with the message "ORA - 4020 - deadlock detected while trying to lock object"?
CreateDurableSubscriber and unsubscribe calls require exclusive access to the Topics. If there are pending JMS operations (send/publish/receive) on the same Topic before these calls are issued, the ORA - 4020 exception is raised. There are two solutions to the problem:1. Try to isolate the calls to createDurableSubscriber and unsubscribe at the setup or cleanup phase when there are no other JMS operations happening on the Topic. That will make sure that the required resources are not held by other JMS operational calls. Hence the error ORA - 4020 will not be raised.2. Issue a TopicSession.commit call before calling createDurableSubscriber and unsubscribe call.
Why doesn't AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE or AQ_USER_ROLE always work for AQ applications using Java/JMS API?
In addition to granting the roles, you would also need to grant execute to the user on the following packages: * grant execute on sys.dbms_aqin to
Why do I get when using JMS MessageListeners from Java stored procedures inside Oracle8i JServer?
To use MessageListeners inside Oracle8i JServer, you can do one for the following1. GRANT JAVASYSPRIV to
What is the use of ObjectMessage?
ObjectMessage contains a Serializable java object as it's payload. Thus it allows exchange of Java objects between applications. This in itself mandates that both the applications be Java applications. The consumer of the message must typecast the object received to it's appropriate type. Thus the consumer should before hand know the actual type of the object sent by the sender. Wrong type casting would result in ClassCastException. Moreover the class definition of the object set in the payload should be available on both the machine, the sender as well as the consumer. If the class definition is not available in the consumer machine, an attempt to type cast would result in ClassNotFoundException. Some of the MOMs might support dynamic loading of the desired class over the network, but the JMS specification does not mandate this behavior and would be a value added service if provided by your vendor. And relying on any such vendor specific functionality would hamper the portability of your application. Most of the time the class need to be put in the classpath of both, the sender and the consumer, manually by the developer.
What is the use of MapMessage?
A MapMessage carries name-value pair as it's payload. Thus it's payload is similar to the java.util.Properties object of Java. The values can be Java primitives or their wrappers.
What is the difference between BytesMessage and StreamMessage?
BytesMessage stores the primitive data types by converting them to their byte representation. Thus the message is one contiguous stream of bytes. While the StreamMessage maintains a boundary between the different data types stored because it also stores the type information along with the value of the primitive being stored. BytesMessage allows data to be read using any type. Thus even if your payload contains a long value, you can invoke a method to read a short and it will return you something. It will not give you a semantically correct data but the call will succeed in reading the first two bytes of data. This is strictly prohibited in the StreamMessage. It maintains the type information of the data being stored and enforces strict conversion rules on the data being read.
What is object message ?
Object message contains a group of serializeable java object. So it allows exchange of Java objects between applications. sot both the applications must be Java applications.
What is text message?
Text messages contains String messages (since being widely used, a separate messaging Type has been supported) . It is useful for exchanging textual data and complex character data like XML.
What is Map message?
map message contains name value Pairs. The values can be of type primitives and its wrappers. The name is a string.
What is the difference between queue and topic ?
A topic is typically used for one to many messaging , while queue is used for one-to-one messaging. Topic .e. it supports publish subscribe model of messaging where queue supports Point to Point Messaging.
What are the three components of a Message ?
A jms message has three components1. A header2. Properties (Optional)3. A body (Optional).
A JMS message consists of three parts:Message header - For message identification. For example, the header is used to determine if a given message is appropriate for a "subscriber" Properties - For application-specific, provider-specific, and optional header fields Body - Holds the content of the message. Several formats are supported, including TextMessage, which wrap a simple String, that wrap arbitrary Java objects (which must be serializable). Other formats are supported as well.
What is the difference between queue and topic?
A connection is created between the client and the server from a connection factory. Connections can be shared by several threads. The user credentials are supplied at this level. It is probably common for a client application to share access to a single connection to the server (unless different security credentials are required for different destinations). A session is created from a connection. The session may only be used by one thread at one time. The user credentials are inherited from the parent connection. It is probably common for each MessageProducer (TopicPublisher or QueueSender) or MessageConsumer (TopicSubscriber or QueueReceiver) to have their own session due to the threading restriction. You can look at it like a tree. At the top you have a connection factory, beneath this you have your connections and then beneath the connections you have sessions. The leaves of the tree are the JMS actors (MessageProducers and MessageConsumers).
Both work on 2 different comminication models. Queue is point-to-point and topic is publish-subscriber.
In queues, one message can be consumed by only one client. But in the topics, one message can be consumed by many clients. Both are separate domains in MOM. Queue represent Point-To-Point domain and Topic represent Pub/Sub domain
A point-to-point (PTP) product or application is built around the concept of message queues, senders, and receivers. Each message is addressed to a specific queue, and receiving clients extract messages from the queue(s) established to hold their messages. Queues retain all messages sent to them until the messages are consumed or until the messages expire. In a publish/subscribe (pub/sub) product or application, clients address messages to a topic. Publishers and subscribers are generally anonymous and may dynamically publish or subscribe to the content hierarchy. The system takes care of distributing the messages arriving from a topic's multiple publishers to its multiple subscribers. Topics retain messages only as long as it takes to distribute them to current subscribers.
What are the types of messaging?
There are two kinds of Messaging. Synchronous messaging involves a client that waits for the server to respond to a message. Asynchronous messaging involves a client that does not wait for a message from the server. An event is used to trigger a message from a server.
What is the difference between Point to Point and Publish/Subscribe ?
Point-to-point (P2P) In point-to-point, messages are sent via queues. Messages are put onto the queues by the message producers (the clients). The message consumer is responsible for pulling the message from the queue. Point-to-point is typically used when a given message must be processed (received) only once by a given consumer. In this way, there is only one consumer of the given message. Publish-and-subscribe (pub/sub)In publish-and-subscribe, messages are sent through topics. Messages are published to topics by the message producers. The messages may be received by any consumers that subscribe to the given topic. In this way, a message may be received, or processed, by multiple consumers.
Why doesn’t the JMS API provide end-to-end synchronous message delivery and notification of delivery?
Some messaging systems provide synchronous delivery to destinations as a mechanism for implementing reliable applications. Some systems provide clients with various forms of delivery notification so that the clients can detect dropped or ignored messages. This is not the model defined by the JMS API. JMS API messaging provides guaranteed delivery via the once-and-only-once delivery semantics of PERSISTENT messages. In addition, message consumers can insure reliable processing of messages by using either CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode or transacted sessions. This achieves reliable delivery with minimum synchronization and is the enterprise messaging model most vendors and developers prefer. The JMS API does not define a schema of systems messages (such as delivery notifications). If an application requires acknowledgment of message receipt, it can define an application-level acknowledgment message.
What are the core JMS-related objects required for each JMS-enabled application?
Each JMS-enabled client must establish the following:* A connection object provided by the JMS server (the message broker)* Within a connection, one or more sessions, which provide a context for message sending and receiving* Within a session, either a queue or topic object representing the destination (the message staging area) within the message broker* Within a session, the appropriate sender or publisher or receiver or subscriber object (depending on whether the client is a message producer or consumer and uses a point-to-point or publish/subscribe strategy, respectively). Within a session, a message object (to send or to receive)
How does the Application server handle the JMS Connection?
1. App server creates the server session and stores them in a pool.2. Connection consumer uses the server session to put messages in the session of the JMS.3. Server session is the one that spawns the JMS session.4. Applications written by Application programmers creates the message listener.
What is Stream Message ?
Stream messages are a group of java primitives. It contains some convenient methods for reading the data. However Stream Message prevents reading a long value as short. This is so because the Stream Message also writes the type information along with the value of the primitive type and enforces a set of strict conversion rules which actually prevents reading of one primitive type as another.